Resources & Information

Understanding the Importance of Local SEO

October 02, 20222 min read

By taking the time to implement Local SEO best practices, you can ensure that your business is visible to the people who are most likely to become customers.

The most important part of your marketing strategy is making sure you are using your tools and budget to target people who are actually going to be your customer. Wasting time, money and effort on a strategy that is pulling large numbers but not targeted is a sure way to fail as a small business owner.

Budgets are limited. You have to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to marketing your business. I talk to so many people who have been taken advantage of by this industry. A large, costly national SEO campaign is probably not what will serve your small business the best, especially if you are a service company or a local brick and mortar.

The pitches sound great and of course you want to be number one on the first page of Google. Who wouldn't want that? You have to take a step back and take a long look at your goals. When you are just starting your marketing journey, 10 leads that are seriously looking for your product or service is a better spend of your budget than 100,000 web surfers who aren't really even looking to buy what you offer.

Local SEO refers to the process of optimizing your online presence to reach local customers. This includes making sure your website appears in relevant search results, as well as ensuring that your content is tailored to the needs of local audiences.

Local SEO

Local SEO can be a powerful tool for small businesses, as it helps you compete with larger businesses that may have a national or even global reach. In addition, it can help you connect with customers who are looking for products or services in your area. By optimizing your website and online presence for Local SEO, you can reach more customers and grow your business.

Location searches show above organic searches, meaning you can be seen BEFORE your competition spending thousands per month to rank organically. Of course, a high organic ranking on the first page of Google is a long-term goal, but the budget to secure that spot will be a large one. You can gain a lot of benefits from focusing on Local SEO first. Some of the same rules apply, but typically the budgets to work local SEO campaigns are smaller than a nationally ranking one.

By optimizing your online presence, you can make it easier for potential customers to find you and learn about your products or services. Local SEO can help you attract new customers and grow your business.

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DeeAnn Gray

With decades of experience in design, digital marketing and development, DeeAnn leads the Magik Digital team in creating successful marketing strategies. Her time is filled with creating beautiful things both on and off the clock. She is an avid crafter, jewelry maker and artist who never seems to stop creating and is always designing or writing code, even in her sleep.

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